Mobile TV Viewing Figure Times.
Prime time for mobile TV viewing (including video clips) has its prime time in the afternoon and early evening, between noon and 8pm. “According to Telephia’s Mobile Video Diary Report, 30 percent of mobile video users watch mobile TV and video clips on their cell phones during the hours of noon and 4 pm, and 31 percent watch during the early evening commute hours of 4 pm to 8 pm”. The rest of the time slots are about 9%, except for 2-6am which is just 3%. “Mobile video users claim nearly one-fourth (22%) of their viewing happens while they are at home. Similarly, twenty-two percent of their viewing is also done while they are commuting, sixteen percent while they are shopping, and 14 percent while they are at work.”There’s also a disproportionately high level of middle-aged viewers, as well as hispanics. For more detailed stats, please see the table above.
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