
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Technology Trends 2007

Oppenheimer & Co., have released a report on the top trends of 2006 and what they consider to be the top 10 trends of 2007. The report indicates that the mobile media market will continue to grow significantly over the next year.

Mobile Media: Large and Growing
1. Over 1bn mobile devices are expected to be sold in 2007, compared to 200mm PCs and
200mm TVs. As a result, the market offers a significant platform for the addition of features,
such as video, cameras, and music.

2. Significant growth is expected in the wireless gaming market. According to IDC, the U.S.
wireless gaming market is expected to reach $1.5bn by 2008, up from roughly $600mm in
2005 (35% CAGR). With its recent purchase of JAMDAT Mobile, Electronic Arts (EA) is now
the leading wireless gaming publisher with revenues in the $140mm range in FY07.
According to Telephia, mobile gaming revenue increased 63% YoY to $140mm in Q2 with
EA’s Tetris and Bejeweled the number 1 and 3 ranked games in the US carrier market. The
key driver in the market will be the growing installed base of game-capable handsets, which is
expected to grow from roughly 300mm units in 2005 to 745mm units in 2009 (Informa data).

3. Additionally, 2007 could be an important year for Mobile TV. Verizon plans to launch
QUALCOMM’s MediaFLO solution in early 2007, using handsets from Samsung and LG.
Launches of mobile TV using the DVB-H standard should occur over the next several years in
European markets. Increased utilization of mobile video services, including broadcast,
download, and unicast, could create demand for microwave backhaul equipment, which could
be positive for companies such as Andrew and Harris.



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